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This document provides instructions on how to deploy the application in different environments.

Deploy the Application

NOTE: The following steps are the same for Test, Acceptance and Production environments.

Accessing the Deploy button

There are two ways to access the Deploy button:

<img src="../../../assets/images/deploy_application.jpg" width="500" alt="Deploy button on Environments page">
  1. From the Environments page:

    • Navigate to the Environments tab.
    • Click the Start button next to the specific environment.

    Deploy button on Deployment page

  2. From the Deployment page:

    • Open a specific environment.
    • You will be redirected to the Deployment page.
    • Locate the Start button on this page.

Deploying the Application

<img src="../../../assets/images/deploy_sidebar.jpg" width="500" alt="Deploy sidebar">
  1. Once the "Deploy" button is clicked, a side menu will pop.

    • Select the package version.
    • Configure Constants; You can include and modify new values as needed by clicking the pencil.
    • Enable/Disable MyFirstModule.Cleanup.
    • Check the box for "I acknowledge the app might be offline briefly during deployment".
    • Click the "Deploy" button.
  2. The status will change to "Deploying".

    Deploying status

  3. Wait for 1-2 minutes while the application initializes.

  4. The status will change to "Running" once the application is deployed.

    Running status

  5. Click the provided URL to verify that the application opens successfully.

    Open application