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Mendix license

Mendix License

Low-Ops platform enables you to deploy mendix applications. A license is required to activate the mendix runtime specifically. In this how-to, we will walk you through the process of requesting and activating the mendix license.

Requesting a License

Make sure you have a contract with Mendix. Once all the paper work has been completed, you can request license keys from Mendix.

  • Navigate to Mendix New Node
  • Select Virtual Private Cloud as Hosting type Virtual Private Cloud hosting type
  • Select Docker as Hosting type and virtual private cloud name Other Docker
  • Change the number of environments you need for your application

After that you will receive an email with the license keys: License keys

Activating the License

Once you have the license keys, you can activate the license in the Low-Ops platform.

  • Navigate to the Low-Ops platform
  • Open your application and for each of the environments you need to activate the license:
  • Go to the Settings tab of your application environment. Here you can manage your environment variables.
  • Create a new environment variable with the following name: LICENSE_ID and paste the license ID you received in the previous step. It looks like a UUID string.
  • Create a second environment variable with the following name: LICENSE_KEY and paste the license key you received in the previous step. This is a very long string.
  • In both cases make sure there are no quotes, spaces or newlines in the environment variable value. Environment variables
  • Click on the Save button to save the environment variables.
  • Redeploy your application to apply the changes.

If the license is activated successfully, you will see the following log message during app startup:

 2025-01-10T15:44:26.217861569Z INFO - Core: Project company name is 'XXXX B.V.'
 2025-01-10T15:44:26.222141590Z INFO - Core: License expiration date is 'Wed Dec 01 00:00:00 GMT XXX'
 2025-01-10T15:44:26.222389737Z INFO - Core: License type is: 'Subscription'
 2025-01-10T15:44:27.518671526Z INFO - Core: Running after-startup-action...