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Advanced Configuration

Add Low-Ops Repository

helm repo add --username $PAT_NAME --password $PAT_TOKEN lowops \
helm repo update

Custom Values

To view the available values, run the command:

helm show values lowops/lowops

Image Parameters

Name Description Default Value
lowops.image.containerImage LowOps platform deploy image name. Request from CINAQ Team ""

Common Parameters

Name Description Default Value
lowops.config.common.base_domain LowOps platform base domain. Example: ""
lowops.config.common.private_registry_url LowOps platform private container registry url ""
lowops.config.common.platform_private_registry_user LowOps platform private container registry user. "lowops-user"
lowops.config.common.platform_private_registry_token LowOps platform private container registry token. Request from CINAQ Team ""
lowops.config.common.platform_state LowOps platform state. Options: present - will run platform install or upgrade, absent - will destroy all platform components. "present"
lowops.config.common.foundation_type LowOps platform foundation type. Options generic, aws - when running AWS EKS. azure - when running Azure AKS. "generic"
lowops.config.common.aws_default_region LowOps platform AWS Default region. When common.foundation_type is set to aws "eu-central-1"
lowops.config.common.email_domain LowOps platform email domain. Example: Google workspace domain ""
lowops.config.common.general_client_name LowOps platform general client name "CINAQ"
lowops.config.common.shared_db_type LowOps platform shared database type for running applications. Options: platform_pg, platform_cnpg, rds_mysql, rds_postgres "platform_cnpg"
lowops.config.common.low_ops_env LowOps platform environment name. You can use any string except reserved values: dev, ci, trial. Example prod, stage "dev"
lowops.config.common.platform_version LowOps platform version. Example: v3.2.4. ""
lowops.config.common.mendix_license_id LowOps platform mendix license ID ""
lowops.config.common.mendix_license_key LowOps platform mendix license key ""
lowops.config.common.storage_class LowOps platform storage class. When foundation_type == aws, use gp3 storage class. "csi-hostpath-sc"

Cloudnative Postgres Service (CNPG)

Low-Ops platform runs Postgres as primary database service. By default 3 CNPG clusters are added: services - to store data for platform core services, audit - to store data for retraced audit system events, and apps - to store application data

Name Description Default Value
lowops.config.cnpg.services_admin_user LowOps platform Cloudnative Postgres services cluster admin user name "postgres"
lowops.config.cnpg.services_admin_password LowOps platform Cloudnative Postgres services cluster admin user password (if empty will be autogenerated and stored as secret in namespace) ""
lowops.config.cnpg.services_volume_size LowOps platform Cloudnative Postgres services cluster volume size "20Gi"
lowops.config.cnpg.apps_admin_user LowOps platform Cloudnative Postgres apps cluster admin user name "postgres"
lowops.config.cnpg.apps_admin_password LowOps platform Cloudnative Postgres apps cluster admin user password (if empty will be autogenerated and stored as secret in namespace) ""
lowops.config.cnpg.apps_volume_size LowOps platform Cloudnative Postgres apps cluster volume size "20Gi"
lowops.config.cnpg.audit_admin_user LowOps platform Cloudnative Postgres audit cluster admin user name "postgres"
lowops.config.cnpg.audit_admin_password LowOps platform Cloudnative Postgres audit cluster admin user password (if empty will be autogenerated and stored as secret in namespace) ""
lowops.config.cnpg.apps_volume_size LowOps platform Cloudnative Postgres audit cluster volume size "20Gi"

Etcd service

Name Description Default Value
lowops.config.etcd.volume_size LowOps platform etcd service volume size "8Gi"

Gitea service

Gitea, a private source code version control system, is used to store application source code, platform configuration states, etc.

Name Description Default Value
lowops.config.gitea.admin_username LowOps platform gitea service admin user name "gitea_admin"
lowops.config.gitea.admin_password LowOps platform gitea service admin user password (if empty will be autogenerated and stored as kubernetes secret) ""
lowops.config.gitea.admin_email LowOps platform gitea service admin user email ""
lowops.config.gitea.storage_size LowOps platform gitea service volume/storage size "50Gi"

Harbor service

Harbor - private registry service is used to store platform and application container images

Name Description Default Value
lowops.config.harbor.admin_password LowOps platform harbor service admin user password ""
lowops.config.harbor.registry_volume_size LowOps platform harbor service registry volume size "10Gi"
lowops.config.harbor.chartmuseum_volume_size LowOps platform harbor service chartmuseum volume size "10Gi"
lowops.config.harbor.joblog_volume_size LowOps platform harbor service joblog volume size "2Gi"
lowops.config.harbor.scandataexport_volume_size LowOps platform harbor service scandataexport volume size "2Gi"
lowops.config.harbor.trivy_volume_size LowOps platform harbor service trivy volume size "2Gi"

Ingress Parameters

When foundation_type is set to aws, the ELB (Elastic Load Balancer) is managed through the Ingress Controller platform component. To configure the load balancer to use static IP addresses (typically, you need 2 for a production environment in 2 different subnets/azs, which could be useful for DNS configuration), update the lowops.config.ingress.aws_elb_eipalloc helm values variable as a comma-separated string of AWS EIP allocation IDs.

Name Description Default Value
lowops.config.ingress.default_ssl_cert LowOps platform ssl certificate. Base64 encoded string ""
lowops.config.ingress.default_ssl_key LowOps platform ssl key. Base64 encoded string ""
lowops.config.ingress.aws_elb_eipalloc LowOps platform aws elb allocation. CSV of aws ip allocations. When common.foundation_type is set to aws ""

Kanister service

Kanister - backup solution for the private application platform. Used for backup, restore, and import application data actions.

Name Description Default Value

Keycloak service

Keycloak - Low-Ops platform Single Sing-On and OIDC client for Low-Ops Private application platform

Name Description Default Value
lowops.config.keycloak.lowops_realm LowOps platform keycloack realm. "lowops-platform"
lowops.config.keycloak.admin_password LowOps platform admin user password. (if empty will be autogenerated and stored as kubernetes secret) ""

Monitoring service

Monitoring - Low-Ops platform monitoring service. Used for platform and application insights, alerts

Name Description Default Value
lowops.config.monitoring_stack.thanos_minio_user Monitoring service Thanos s3 gateway user. "thanos"
lowops.config.monitoring_stack.thanos_minio_password Monitoring service Thanos s3 gateway user. ""
lowops.config.monitoring_stack.grafana_admin_password Monitoring service grafana admin password. (if empty will be autogenerated and stored as kubernetes secret) ""
lowops.config.monitoring_stack.prometheus_storage_size Monitoring service prometheus storage size "20Gi"
lowops.config.monitoring_stack.grafana_smtp_smarthost Monitoring service grafana smtp host. ""
lowops.config.monitoring_stack.grafana_smtp_smarthost_user Monitoring service grafana smtp user. ""
lowops.config.monitoring_stack.grafana_smtp_smarthost_password Monitoring service grafana smtp password. ""
lowops.config.monitoring_stack.grafana_alert_email_contact Monitoring service grafana alerts contact email. ""

Oauth2-proxy service

OAuth2-proxy - used to enable Low-Ops platform web services user authentication using OIDC Keycloak provider.

Name Description Default Value

Retraced audit service

Retraced audit - service used to store platform and application events.

Name Description Default Value

S3 Apps Services Gateway Parameters

When running with foundation_type == aws, change S3 gateway values to AWS API Access and Secret keys with access to the S3 applications bucket (refer to the diagram above). For generic type, will point to the MinIO service inside the platform.

Name Description Default Value
lowops.config.s3_gateway.apps_root_user LowOps platform s3 gateway user name to access apps storage buckets ""
lowops.config.s3_gateway.apps_root_password LowOps platform s3 gateway user password to access apps storage buckets ""

S3 Core Services Parameters

When running with foundation_type == aws, change S3 gateway values with AWS API Access and Secret keys that have access to the S3 core services bucket (refer to the diagram above). For generic type, the system will point to MinIO service inside platform.

Name Description Default Value
lowops.config.s3_gateway.core_root_user LowOps platform s3 gateway user name to access core storage buckets ""
lowops.config.s3_gateway.core_root_password LowOps platform s3 gateway user password to access core storage buckets ""

Tekton service

Tekton - pipeline base platform backend.

Name Description Default Value
lowops.config.tekton_cicd.dashboard_enabled Enable LowOps platform Tekton Dashboard "true"
lowops.config.tekton_cicd.kubernetes_min_version LowOps platform Tekton pipelines minimal kubernetes version supported "1.22.7"
lowops.config.tekton_cicd.pipelines_pvc_size LowOps platform Tekton pipelines volume size "2Gi"